Sunday, February 5, 2012

Purex Ultrapacks Review

Last month I got a nice package in the mail. Purex sent me their new UltraPacks laundry detergent. I have to say they are very convenient. No measuring, no scooping, no pouring no rinsing and no getting anything on your hands. Its very very simple...
These are what these little packets look like. Kind of like the packets that you might use for the dishwasher... I am sure you could get confused because they do look a like.

I really like the simpleness of the Ultrapacks. For those times that I am running late and really needed to throw in a load. Directions say to make sure hands are dry but honestly I have held them with wet hands and they don't leave any residue on your hands. (And when it says to use with dry hands I really had to test it because well I am just curious like that. :)) The come in a package of 18. Kind of small in my opinion. I'm not sure what the price is but it would have to be $2-$3 for me to buy these. I honestly really like Purex laundry detergent. I think they do an excellent job of trying to always try and invent new ways for laundry detergent. I honestly can't say weather I would buy these on a regular occasion or not. I am guessing not. 
Although they are convenient 18 loads of laundry would be gone in a week. And I am not sure I want to be buying them every week. Maybe if I was a single person they would be really nice.

All in all I like the product. Purex does a good job with staying on top of what others are doing. 

And you also get a chance to try these babies out. Purex has given me 3 FREE coupons to give away to you guys. So the first three people to comment will get a coupon. 

You can also go to and get a free sample. 

***I am a Purex Insider and was given Ultrapacks to review. These are my opinions and my opinions only.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Comforts for Baby Product Review

I had the great privilege to be accepted into the Comfort for Baby Bzz Campaign. (if you want more info on BzzAgent follow the link.... great great opportunities to try new products.)

The sent me a coupon for a free box up to 92 ct diapers, 2 sippy cups and a pack of wipes. The closest Kroger or Kroger store for me is about 30 minutes away (not ideal but for a free pack of diapers? Who cares!) So the kids and I headed out to Kroger and got a package of diapers. While there I looked at there other products which are fairly reasonably priced compared to Target or Walmart brand. The box of diapers were priced at 13.99 (not too bad if you ask me). Wipes were 1.99 (I can't really remember). And formula was 12.99-14.99.

Since buying the diapers (its been about a week) I have used them every day. They are diapers. They do what the need to do. My complaint right now is they leak at night. She wakes up in the morning damp (not soaked) but damp. She also sleeps through the night so she is in them from 8pm -7am. During the day I don't have a problem with her being damp from them only at night. I also think that the diapers look very cheap to me. To me Kroger is a big name store so I would consider there stuff to look better. When I look at the box it looks like there is a well made "stylish" diaper. But when I opened the box I was very disappointed on what they looked like. (maybe that shouldn't be a big deal but I think the look of something matters a lot to people and people judge things by the way things look).

I have used the wipes and really enjoy them. I have found a lot of off brand wipes to be a lot like Pampers (which is totally fine) but I am Huggies girl when it comes to wipes. And I was very very excited to see that the Comfort for Baby wipes were thicker and strong.

We have not had a chance to use the sippy cups as I don't need any more in my house at the moment. But I am sure that they will come in handy one day! :)

All in all I would say that there products on average are okay. I am not to impressed with there diapers to drive all that way for them. And I am not even sure if I was in walking distance from a store I would buy them.

**I am a Bzzagent and received these products to try and give my honest opinion. 

My baby is growing and I don't like it

Kynlee is getting so big!!! I can not believe that she 7 months already! She really is a content little baby. Much much different than Caidan and Kloe who seem to need our attention a lot more.

Kynlee decided she was going to get up on her hands and knees this week. She's been army crawling for a couple weeks now so it was just a matter of time but I wasn't ready for it. Yesterday I also saw her trying to sit up... (which is really funny to watch). I know there is going to be no stopping her soon. All she wants is to be like her brother and sister. It is amazing to me how much she loves them. One look from them and she giggles so hard. It is so cute!