On a regular basis I use Purex so I was really excited that this had Oxi and Zout stain fighters. But honestly didn't see a difference in how it cleaned my clothes or the kids clothes. I didn't have anything that had a super stain on it that I could test out but on our every day food/markers/play stains it was just okay. I have used some other products before with stain fighters in them that have done the same. I myself have not found one product that have satisfied my needs for stains. Not sure if that means my kids clothes are EXTRA dirty or maybe I am just not doing something right. I would recommend this product because I love Purex and I do think that their products do very well at cleaning my clothes.
With that said we have a contest. Would you like to one 1 FREE bottle of Purex plus Oxi?? I have 3 coupons available! All you have to do is LIKE Purex Facebook page and then comment here that you have! This contest ends 11/29/2012 at 11:59pm.
**Purex provided me with a sample of Purex plus Oxi so I could review them. However, all of the opinions expressed here are my own.