Monday, April 29, 2013

Dirty toilet bowl? (Soft Scrub 4-in-1 Review)

We have one bathroom for 5 people (well 4 really since the one is not potty trained yet... but will be soon!) Our toilet bowl is ALWAYS dirty... and it always smells. Right before I was sent this product to try I was thinking of getting something because I was really tired of cleaning the toilet all the time. I really do love being part of such an amazing community.

Soft Scrub 4-in-1 toilet care!! The answer to the problem. I loved it! And I love it! We recently used this one all up and went out and I bought another one... although I didn't realize that the one I bought was with bleach which is not my favorite.

2. Prevents future build up
3. fights toilet rings
4. Freshens up to 4 weeks

I will say that I agree with all that... though I am pretty sure we used ours in about 2-3 weeks. :) Seriously if you are tired of cleaning toilets all the time try it. It will AMAZE you! :)

Disclosure- Soft Scrub provided me with this product in exchange for my review. However the review is the opinion of me.