Monday, November 19, 2012

Purex plus Oxi Review

I got the chance to try the new laundry detergent by Purex, Purex plus Oxi. Purex plus Oxi is the most powerful Purex detergent available. In fact, it works against over 101 different stains. And since its Purex you know that it won't effect your budget too much.

On a regular basis I use Purex so I was really excited that this had Oxi and Zout stain fighters. But honestly didn't see a difference in how it cleaned my clothes or the kids clothes. I didn't have anything that had a super stain on it that I could test out but on our every day food/markers/play stains it was just okay. I have used some other products before with stain fighters in them that have done the same. I myself have not found one product that have satisfied my needs for stains. Not sure if that means my kids clothes are EXTRA dirty or maybe I am just not doing something right. I would recommend this product because I love Purex and I do think that their products do very well at cleaning my clothes. 

With that said we have a contest. Would you like to one 1 FREE bottle of Purex plus Oxi?? I have 3 coupons available! All you have to do is LIKE Purex Facebook page and then comment here that you have! This contest ends 11/29/2012 at 11:59pm. 

**Purex provided me with a sample of Purex plus Oxi so I could review them. However, all of the opinions expressed here are my own. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Being Thankful Through It All

I am not sure if I mentioned how very difficult, lately it is for me to be thankful for the every day things in life. Really even the small tiny things. The normal every day things. So you can imagine how hard it would be to be thankful for out of the other things.

Everyone thinks this little girl is cute and quiet and sweet...

while she might be cute she does have her moments.... that aren't too Kynlee like. And they are in the middle of trying to get the older two read too and in bed. I guess I could think "I am thankful that my children are healthy and well enough to be at home..." My thoughts immediately think when is this child going to go to bed.   

I wish that I could be thankful for all these rough times. And maybe I am, maybe I just don't see it now, maybe one day I will.

As I was changing loads of laundry tonight I was trying to think of something that I was thankful for. I am most defiantly thankful for my kids but I just don't want to say I am thankful that they are my kids. I started to think of each one of them and then i realized something. I wish I acted/thought more like a child. I wish that no matter what I could forgive and love someone. How many times a day do I get mad or yell at my kids? How many time do I not listen to them through out the day? How many times do they come up to me just out of the blue and tell me "I love you mom"? And how many times to I reciprocate those..... not as often as I should!

November 6th-
I am thankful today for my kids. For them being able to teach me that no matter what a person does that you should love them and forgive them. I am thankful that my kids can love me regardless of my action or lack of actions.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

November 1st- Thankful

I have never had this feeling of "its November I have a lot to be thankful for." But for some reason this year I do. Sometimes I am not always good at seeing the "thankful" moments in life. Lately I have noticed I focus on the "what needs to be done" or "how I can fix it". But this month I want to take the time to be thankful for all the things in my life.

I think this picture sums up everything....

There is a lot to be thankful for in life. So everyday this month on Facebook and here I am going to let you know what I am thankful for. You are more than welcome to join me! If you do let me know in a comment!

November---What I am Thankful for.
1. I am thankful for my husband. He works his butt off to support our family and with out him a lot of what we do with our kids or what we get to do would not happen. So Thank You Chris Ronning for working so hard for us even though sometimes you just want to sleep! :